Sunday, January 1, 2023

what are the effects of eating edibles?

The idea of consuming edibles, or edible products infused with cannabis, has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Although edibles can provide various therapeutic benefits, they can also have some undesirable effects. Here, we'll discuss the possible risks and side effects of eating edibles so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they are right for you.

When you consume an edible product, the cannabinoids enter the body through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and liver before entering the bloodstream. This process takes much longer than smoking or vaping cannabis and this delay can be one of the edibles' most common adverse effects; a feeling of digestive distress or cramping known as 'the edible stomachache'. There aren't any actual sources for this stomachache, so it is unclear what exactly causes it and how it may be avoided when using edibles.

On top of possibly experiencing nausea or abdominal pain from eating an edible, other possible side effects include lightheadedness or dizziness, which may occur if too much is consumed too quickly. Edible products usually have a high THC concentration; therefore they should be used cautiously to avoid these kinds of issues. Other physical effects associated with edibles include dry mouth and feelings of euphoria.

Consuming too many edibles can also lead to psychological issues such as paranoia and anxiety due to their strong psychoactive properties. When using these products recreationally, it is important that you are mindful about dosage levels and keep them low to avoid experiencing any negative side effects. Additionally, remember that each individual has a different tolerance for marijuana based on their own physiology and personal medical history; this means everyone should go slow when trying edibles and start with a low dose to see how it affects them before increasing intake levels.

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